Perspectives / Basked Unit – Split C20

Here’s an expectedly weird one from the glimmering House of Sun: a split between likeminded sonic weirdos Perspectives and Basked Unit, each delivering some of their most expressive work to date. Perspectives starts things out with some slow-building and truly out-there walls of echo and chaotic instrumentation. It’s dark sounding music, with mysteries bubbling up everywhere.  On the flip, Basked Unit (the collaborative effort of Pouw and Johnson) begins with a relaxing breeze of mellow guitars before transitioning into a sinister and ominous swell of patches and loops. By the very end of the tape, the sun may be showing signs of emerging, but the listener will likely be getting ready to start the whole thing over, just to bath in just a little more darkness.

Perspectives – “Intro (excerpt)”


Pink Desert – Daytime Series

From the venerable and aesthetically perfect House of Sun label comes this brilliant, symphonic slice of sonic beauty via PA soundscaper Pink Desert. On Daytime Series, shimmering drone emerges from the dust like the rising sun and proceeds to scorch everything in its path with blinding modular tones. Things rise and fall and transform melodically, but overall Daytime Series floats at one specific frequency, one which manages to evaporate all earthly worries throughout its nuclear, radioactive glow. This one is not for the casual spacehead, but rather, it is a supremely powerful listening experience and a totally joyful aural adventure.

Pink Desert – “Intro”
